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Incrementally adding Stylelint rules with Betterer โ˜€๏ธ

ยท 6 min read

I just released v4.0.0 of Betterer ๐ŸŽ‰ (now with sweet new docs!) and it has a bunch of simplified APIs for writing tests. And just before I shipped it, I got an issue asking how to write a Stylelint test, so let's do it here and explain it line by line:


Here's the full test:

// stylelint.ts
import { BettererFileTest } from '@betterer/betterer';
import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs';
import { Configuration, lint } from 'stylelint';

export function stylelint(configOverrides: Partial<Configuration> = {}) {
return new BettererFileTest(async (filePaths, fileTestResult) => {
const result = await lint({
files: [...filePaths],

await Promise.all( (result) => {
const contents = await fs.readFile(result.source, 'utf8');
const file = fileTestResult.addFile(result.source, contents);
result.warnings.forEach((warning) => {
const { line, column, text } = warning;
file.addIssue(line - 1, column - 1, line - 1, column - 1, text, text);

And then using the test:

// .betterer.ts
import { stylelint } from './stylelint';

export default {
'no stylelint issues': stylelint({
rules: {
'unit-no-unknown': true

NTL;PR (not that long, please read ๐Ÿ˜‚)โ€‹


So how does it all work? Let's start with the actual Stylelint part.

Stylelint is pretty easy to set-up. You need a stylelintrc.json file with configuration:

"extends": "stylelint-config-standard"

And then run it on your CSS files:

stylelint "**/*.css"

Running that does the following:

  1. searches for the stylelintrc.json configuration file
  2. reads the configuration
  3. finds the valid files
  4. runs the rules
  5. returns the results

Stylelint also has a JS API which we're going to use:

import { lint } from 'stylelint';

const result = await lint({
// ...

We could just run the above and it will test the current state of the files with the current configuration in stylelintrc.json. And that's great โœจ!

Augmenting the configuration:โ€‹

For the Betterer test we want to augment the stylelintrc.json configuration with some extra rules... and Stylelint has a really easy way to do that:

import { Configuration, lint } from 'stylelint';

function stylelint(configOverrides: Partial<Configuration> = {}) {
const result = await lint({

Passing the list of files:โ€‹

Stylelint also allows us to pass a specific set of files to test:

import { Configuration, lint } from 'stylelint';

function stylelint(configOverrides: Partial<Configuration> = {}, files: Array<string>) {
const result = await lint({

So we could call the stylelint function like:

rules: {
'unit-no-unknown': true

And that will run the Stylelint from the stylelinerc.json file, plus the unit-no-unknown rule, on all .css files! Thats most of the tricky stuff sorted โญ๏ธ!

Hooking into Betterer:โ€‹

This test needs to take advantage of all the snapshotting and diffing magic of Betterer, so we need to wrap it in a test. We want to be able to target individual files, so it specifically needs to be a BettererFileTest. The function argument is the actual test, which is an async function that runs the linter.

import { BettererFileTest } from '@betterer/betterer';
import { Configuration, lint } from 'stylelint';

function stylelint(configOverrides: Partial<Configuration> = {}) {
return new BettererFileTest(async (filePaths) => {
// ...

Each time it runs Betterer will call that function with the relevant set of files, which we will pass along to Stylelint:

import { BettererFileTest } from '@betterer/betterer';
import { Configuration, lint } from 'stylelint';

function stylelint(configOverrides: Partial<Configuration> = {}) {
return new BettererFileTest(async (filePaths) => {
const result = await lint({
files: [...filePaths],

Adding files:โ€‹

Next thing is telling Betterer about all the files with issues reported by Stylelint. To do this we can use the BettererFileTestResult object, which is the second parameter of the test function:

new BettererFileTest(resolver, async (filePaths, fileTestResult) => {
// ...

The result object from Stylelint contains a list of results. For each item in that list, we need to read the file with Node's fs module, and then call addFile() with the file path (result.source), and the contents of the file. That returns a BettererFile object:

import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs';

await Promise.all( (result) => {
const contents = await fs.readFile(result.source, 'utf8');
const file = fileTestResult.addFile(result.source, contents);

Adding issues:โ€‹

The last thing to do is convert from Stylelint warnings to Betterer issues. To do that we use the addIssue() function! In this case we will use the following overload:

addIssue(startLine: number, startCol: number, endLine: number, endCol: number, message: string, hash?: string):

Stylelint only gives us the line and column for the start of the issue, so we use that as both the start position and the end position. Betterer expects them to be zero-indexed so we subtract 1 from both. This also means that the VS Code extension will add a diagnostic to the whole token with the issue, which is pretty handy! We also pass the text of the issue twice, once as the message, and a second time as the hash. The hash is used by Betterer to track issues as they move around within a file. Stylelint adds specific details to the message so that makes it a good enough hash for our purposes. All up, converting an issue looks like this:

result.warnings.forEach((warning) => {
const { line, column, text } = warning;
file.addIssue(line - 1, column - 1, line - 1, column - 1, text, text);

The whole test:โ€‹

Putting that all together and you get this:

// stylelint.ts
import { BettererFileTest } from '@betterer/betterer';
import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs';
import { Configuration, lint } from 'stylelint';

export function stylelint(configOverrides: Partial<Configuration> = {}) {
return new BettererFileTest(async (filePaths, fileTestResult) => {
const result = await lint({
files: [...filePaths],

await Promise.all( (result) => {
const contents = await fs.readFile(result.source, 'utf8');
const file = fileTestResult.addFile(result.source, contents);
result.warnings.forEach((warning) => {
const { line, column, text } = warning;
file.addIssue(line - 1, column - 1, line - 1, column - 1, text, text);

And then we can use the test like this:

// .betterer.ts
import { stylelint } from './stylelint';

export default {
'no stylelint issues': stylelint({
rules: {
'unit-no-unknown': true

And that's about it! The Stylelint API is the real MVP here, nice job to their team! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Hopefully that makes sense! I'm still pretty excited by Betterer, so hit me up on Twitter if you have thoughts/feelings/ideas ๐Ÿฆ„