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API > @betterer/coverage

Istanbul Coverage test for Betterer.


BettererCoverageTestBettererCoverageTest provides a wrapper around BettererTest that makes it easier to implement coverage tests.


coverage(coverageSummaryPath)Use this test to track your per-file test coverage. Reads a json-summary format coverage summary. Make sure to run your tests separately before running Betterer.
coverageTotal(coverageSummaryPath)Use this test to track your total test coverage. Reads a json-summary format coverage summary. Make sure to run your tests separately before running Betterer.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
BettererCoverageDiffThe difference in coverage for a project between two test runs
BettererCoverageIssueThe lines, statements, functions and branches coverage for a file (or the total project)
BettererCoverageIssuesThe coverage for a project
BettererCoverageTypesThe different types of coverage which are checked