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Test definition file

All your tests should be exported from a test definition file. By default, Betterer expects this to be .betterer.ts or .betterer.js, but you can change that by using the --config option when running Betterer. You can also split your tests into multiple test definition files and pass multiple paths to the --config option.


From Betterer v5.0.0 all tests must be functions which return a BettererTest. This is so that your tests can be run in parallel! Any top-level code in you test definition file could run multiple times.

Default export

You can expose tests as properties on the default export:

// .betterer.ts
import { BettererTest } from '@betterer/betterer';

export default {
'my test': () =>
new BettererTest({
// ... test config
'my other test': () =>
new BettererTest({
// ... test config

Constant export

You can also expose tests as specific named exports:

// .betterer.ts
import { BettererTest } from '@betterer/betterer';

export function myTest() {
return new BettererTest({
// ... test config

export function myOtherTest() {
return new BettererTest({
// ... test config

You can define your tests in other files and then import them into your test definition file and re-export! If you write a test that would be useful for others, please publish it as a package!