BettererConfigExcludes | An array of Regular Expressions that match file paths that will be excluded from an operation. |
BettererConfigFilters | An array of Regular Expressions that match names of relevant tests. |
BettererConfigIgnores | An array of absolute glob patterns that match file paths that will be ignored by the file watcher in watch mode. |
BettererConfigIncludes | An array of absolute glob patterns that match file paths that will be included in an operation. |
BettererConfigPaths | An array of absolute test definition file paths containing Betterer tests. |
BettererDelta | The change between a test runs and its baseline. A BettererRun has a delta property if the test has a progress() handler. |
BettererDeserialise | The function that converts from a SerialisedType to a DeserialisedType . |
BettererDiffer | A function that compares two test results. |
BettererFileGlobs | An array of glob patterns that match file paths that will be included in an operation. All globs should be relative to the current . |
BettererFileIssues | An array of BettererFileIssue s. |
BettererFileIssueSerialised | A serialised BettererFileIssue . |
BettererFileIssuesSerialised | An array of BettererFileIssueSerialised s. |
BettererFilePath | The path to a file on disk. |
BettererFilePaths | An array of paths to files on disk. |
BettererFilePatterns | An array of Regular Expressions that match file paths that will be excluded from an operation. |
BettererFilesDiff | A map from file path to BettererFileDiff . |
BettererFileTestDiff | A diff object for a complete BettererFileTest run. |
BettererFileTestFunction | A function that runs an actual file test. |
BettererFileTestResultSerialised | A map from file path to BettererFileIssuesSerialised . |
BettererFileTestResultSummaryDetails | The summarised result of a BettererFileTest . A mapping from the path to a file to an array of BettererFileIssues . |
BettererOptionsExcludes | A string or Regular Expression to match file paths that should be excluded from an operation, or an array of them. |
BettererOptionsFilters | A string or Regular Expression to match the names of relevant tests, or an array of them. |
BettererOptionsIgnores | A glob pattern to match file paths that should be ignored by the file watcher in watch mode, or an array of them. |
BettererOptionsIncludes | A glob pattern to match file paths that should be included in an operation, or an array of them. |
BettererOptionsPaths | A path to a test definition file containing Betterer tests, or an array of them. |
BettererOptionsReporters | An array of names of npm packages that export a BettererReporter , or object s that implement BettererReporter . |
BettererOptionsRunner | Options for when you create a BettererRunner via the betterer.runner() API. |
BettererOptionsStart | Options for when you run Betterer via the JS API. |
BettererPrinter | A function that converts a serialised test result into the string that will be saved in the results file. |
BettererProgress | A function that converts a test result to a numeric value that represents the progress towards the goal. |
BettererResultSummaries | An array of BettererResultSummary . |
BettererResultSummary | The summary of the result of a BettererTest or BettererFileTest . |
BettererRuns | An array of BettererRun s. |
BettererRunSummaries | An array of BettererRunSummaries . |
BettererSerialise | The function that converts from a DeserialisedType to a SerialisedType . |
BettererSuiteSummaries | An array of BettererSuiteSummaries . |
BettererTestConstraint | A function that checks if a test result is better , worse , or the same than the expected result. |
BettererTestDeadline | The date when the test should be completed by. The test will be marked as expired if it runs after the specified date. |
BettererTestFunction | A function that runs the actual test. |
BettererTestGoal | A function that returns whether the test has met its goal. |
BettererTestNames | An array of test names. |
BettererTestOptions | Options for creating a BettererTest . |
BettererTestResultSummaryDetails | The summarised result of a BettererTest . |