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API > @betterer/betterer > BettererSuite

A set of BettererTest runs. Will become a BettererSuiteSummary when the test suite is completed.


export interface BettererSuite 


The internal implementation of BettererSuite is responsible for a lot more than this interface suggests, but we want to minimise the public API surface as much as possible. You can get the BettererSuite via the BettererReporter interface.


const myReporter: BettererReporter = {
// Access the suite before any tests are run:
suiteStart (suite: BettererSuite) {
// ...
// Access the suite when something goes wrong:
suiteError (suite: BettererSuite) {
// ...


filePathsBettererFilePathsAn array of file paths that will be tested. The file paths can be specified by the global and properties. Also used by watch mode to target individual files.
runsBettererRunsAn array containing a BettererRun for each test in the test definition file.